Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well There Ya Have It Folks

Well there ya go Obama is the first African-American President of the United States. No I didn't vote, yes I get a lot of crap for it but I did it cause I didn't follow either of the two presidential candidates. I didn't know either of their policies but you know I rather not be swayed by my friends to vote for who they want me to vote for. Also another thing that went into the process of me NOT voting is that I feel like I'm too immature and I really don't have a good grasp of politics and I don't really understand how economics work, I mean it doesn't take an idiot to realize that our economy is crap but for me to vote in 2012 I'm going to need to follow the candidates and actually get a good understanding of politics. I love my country and all I want to do is do what is best for her.


Rod Carveth said...


Your blog posts are supposed to be at least 250 words. This is 160. Please follow directions.

Doc Rod

Scott Kessler said...

A little brief, and a bit off topic. Although I found what you wrote very interesting, it didn't follow the guidelines.